My very good friend Bloody Kev sings in Regimes. He sang with Speedhorn for the final three years of the bands existence. Probably the best three years we had as a band, from a personal point of view...
Anyway, here is the flyer for the shows..

This Shit Just Writes Itself...
...and some other stuff.
I started playing in bands when I was 14. I quit school when I was 18, around the same time I formed Raging Speedhorn. We played our first show in our home town, Corby, England in August 99 and our final show in Yamaguchi, Japan in November 08.
During that time I toured the world, moved to Stockholm, Sweden, got married and got a dog, Bonzo (named after the Doo-Dah Band). And then we got a daughter, Polly (named after both PJ and the character from Faulty Towers).
These days I play in A\\VOID (mainly) and Nubenegra (remotely), as well as Diagnosis? Bastard! (barely) and until very recently, Victims.
I managed a "hip" little bar on Södermalm for a few years but turns out that's a youth's game and I'm not that young anymore... So I went back to school and got a degree in behavioural science, majoring in psychology.
Now I'm a social worker helping people living in active addiction, which is one of the best jobs I've ever had, and will soon be releasing my first book (about music, not my job).
I spend most of my money on books and records and my free time hanging out with my daughter and my wife Jenny (don't know who she was named after but it was a very popular name in Sweden in the Seventies), going to gigs, reading, drinking caffiene, drinking craft beer and watching football (and working on trying not to care about it).
I was thirteen years old when I got my first guitar. My dad bought me a cheap copy of a Gibson Les Paul for Chrístmas. It was a period in ...
Copyright 2009, Gareth Smith. All rights reserved.
Good times Gaz, Thanks a million for the shows we had a scream. A.C.A.B
ReplyDeleteOkay, convoluted as this is, here it goes...
ReplyDeleteHow's it going, Gareth. Hopefully, if it's not too much of a bother, you might be able to help me out.
I enjoy your blog (especially dug the rundown of horrible Raging Speedhorn shows), but the reason I came by it is due to a strange quest, that you may be the only person in the world who could help me out.
It starts with a record. I live stateside, just outside of Washington DC. I work in a used record store in Maryland. And I spend a lot of time looking up random records that walk in off the street, especially when I'm not that familiar with them to begin with. So a few months ago a 10" I've never seen before by a group called the Rowdy Ramblers shows up, and of course I've never heard of it, but I put it on the turntable, and I like what I'm hearing. Fast-paced garage-type rock with more feedback than polish that carries itself decently from front to back. I'm assuming it's not one of those "sells-on-eBay-for-$500-US" records, but it's quality enough. I'm not trying to make a huge buck off of it, but I'm definitely intrigued.
So I go through the regular paces: search eBay,,,, but all I get is a whole bunch of nothing. Now, I'm not even worried about pricing, I just want some information. Try all the amazon. varieties, google shopping, everything else I can think of - NOTHING. So now I'm doubly-saddled with two facts - 1. I want to add this record to the database, especially since nothing by the group exists there, and 2. I just want any information I can get, since somehow this record made it from a pressing plant to a used record store just outside the capitol of the United States.
Oh, did I mention the part where there's no actual track listing on the record cover, record labels, or insert that came with the record? And everyone's credits are of the first-name only variety? And, which is listed on the insert, has been suspended - though by now, I'm convinced there may have never actually BEEN a website, and this message was linked to the address just to try to drive me insane. I'm beginning to think that maybe this record doesn't even exist, and I've somehow hallucinated the whole thing.
But here's what I'm able to track down - a few live performances on YouTube, a video for The Maple (thus far the only song I actually know the title to) on YouTube, a bunch of different Swedish blog-type sites that apparently copied the same original material (since all the Google summaries are "W tym składzie Rowdy Ramblers nagrali 2 płyty: '7EP "In The Midnight Hipshaker", '10 EP "The Maple". Wkrótce jako drugi gitarzysta dołączył ..."), a MySpace page with not that much information on it, and your blog.
I've been debating whether to bother you with this whole thing for a few months, and I've been able to dig up a little bit of extra information (Olle Belfrage, Tompa Ekesiöö, Erik Bystedt... and some guy named Martin who left the group - but I got that from your blog). I don't actually work for discogs, per se - it's a user-regulated database. I'm just a fan of giving credit where credit is due.
So, if you've got some time, and aren't too bothered to help out a struggling Yank find out the last few shreds on information he's looking forward, I would greatly appreciate it if you would email me. I would've just emailed you myself, but I couldn't find an address, so my only recourse is leaving this comment.
And if you couldn't give a fuck, then so be it.
But I had to ask. Much like Obi-Wan, you're my only hope.
p.s. at least Speedhorn's catalog is represented well enough: